About St. Jude's Anglican Parish (Tucson, Arizona)
Founded on December 25, 1981, St. Jude's Anglican Church maintains strong roots in Anglican tradition.
We are Anglicans and part of the Continuing Anglican movement. This movement includes a number of Anglican churches that remain outside the Anglican Communion. These churches embrace the traditional forms of Anglican faith and worship – “continuing” historic Anglican belief and practice and maintaining Anglicanism’s line of Apostolic Succession.
We are dedicated to the classical faith and timeless liturgy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer for celebrating the Eucharist. We are faithful to the Authorized 1611 King James Version of the Holy Bible with Apocrypha for liturgical use and teaching the gospel and sacraments of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father,
Guide St. Jude's Anglican Church to grow according to thy will. Pour thy spirit upon us and use us as instruments of your kingdom on Earth that through us, others may come to know you and your saving grace. Guide us and strengthen us to build your church and help us to make it a refuge and place of comfort and peace in a troubled world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We are Anglicans and part of the Continuing Anglican movement. This movement includes a number of Anglican churches that remain outside the Anglican Communion. These churches embrace the traditional forms of Anglican faith and worship – “continuing” historic Anglican belief and practice and maintaining Anglicanism’s line of Apostolic Succession.
We are dedicated to the classical faith and timeless liturgy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer for celebrating the Eucharist. We are faithful to the Authorized 1611 King James Version of the Holy Bible with Apocrypha for liturgical use and teaching the gospel and sacraments of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father,
Guide St. Jude's Anglican Church to grow according to thy will. Pour thy spirit upon us and use us as instruments of your kingdom on Earth that through us, others may come to know you and your saving grace. Guide us and strengthen us to build your church and help us to make it a refuge and place of comfort and peace in a troubled world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Core Values
We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and contain all doctrine Necessary to Salvation.
We accept the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds as summaries of the Christian Faith as binding on the conscience of every member of the Church. TheWe believe in the doctrinal statements of the first seven Ecumenical Councils of the Church held between 325AD and 784AD.
We maintain the Reformation heritage of the Anglican Communion, and in particular our clergy assent to the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1571/1801) as being in accordance with Holy Scripture. We also accept the Affirmation of St Louis (1977) as a roadmap to safeguarding our Anglican heritage.
We use the 1928 (USA) and the 1962 (Canada) editions of the Book of Common Prayer, both of which accept the 1662 Book of Common Prayer according to the Use of the Church of England as being the standard of doctrine to which they conform.
Evangelical means 'Of the Gospel' and does not denote a particular form of church government or worship. We are Evangelical in the sense of being committed to Biblical doctrine and to preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. We seek to respond flexibly and imaginatively to the challenges posed by being a traditional Church for the modern world.
Catholic comes from a Greek word meaning 'whole' - the Church maintains 'the whole Faith' as delivered to the Apostles. The Church also maintains the ancient, catholic form of church government which is episcopacy, or governance by bishops. Our bishops are in the Apostolic Succession which we believe stretches back to the Apostles themselves.
In accordance with the Affirmation of St Louis (1977) we believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
We believe that marriage should be a life-long indissoluble union between one man and one woman. We also accept that marriages can and do fail, and seek to extend proper pastoral support to those whose marriages have failed or are in danger of failing.
We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and contain all doctrine Necessary to Salvation.
We accept the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds as summaries of the Christian Faith as binding on the conscience of every member of the Church. TheWe believe in the doctrinal statements of the first seven Ecumenical Councils of the Church held between 325AD and 784AD.
We maintain the Reformation heritage of the Anglican Communion, and in particular our clergy assent to the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1571/1801) as being in accordance with Holy Scripture. We also accept the Affirmation of St Louis (1977) as a roadmap to safeguarding our Anglican heritage.
We use the 1928 (USA) and the 1962 (Canada) editions of the Book of Common Prayer, both of which accept the 1662 Book of Common Prayer according to the Use of the Church of England as being the standard of doctrine to which they conform.
Evangelical means 'Of the Gospel' and does not denote a particular form of church government or worship. We are Evangelical in the sense of being committed to Biblical doctrine and to preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. We seek to respond flexibly and imaginatively to the challenges posed by being a traditional Church for the modern world.
Catholic comes from a Greek word meaning 'whole' - the Church maintains 'the whole Faith' as delivered to the Apostles. The Church also maintains the ancient, catholic form of church government which is episcopacy, or governance by bishops. Our bishops are in the Apostolic Succession which we believe stretches back to the Apostles themselves.
In accordance with the Affirmation of St Louis (1977) we believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
We believe that marriage should be a life-long indissoluble union between one man and one woman. We also accept that marriages can and do fail, and seek to extend proper pastoral support to those whose marriages have failed or are in danger of failing.